Plants That Purify the Air

Plants that can purify your air.

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Plants That Purify the Air

Posted by Gary Ashton on Friday, June 11th, 2021 at 9:38am.

air quality improvements from plantsMost modern homes are designed to save energy but not think of air quality. This trend is great for the environment but makes homes “tighter” or, in other words, they're constructed with less ventilation.

Such design helps keep the air inside for cooling or heating but it makes buildings more prone to air pollution and less airflow.

We fail to realize that household items like varnished furniture, paints, floor cleaning products, and disinfectants release chemicals that pollute the air. As a result, health problems like sick building syndrome and asthma become more and more common. At Ashton Real Estate we realized that working with trends in property is a must, be it indoor gardening or landscaping tips for sellers.

According to NASA, harmful air-polluting chemicals come from common home products such as carpets, ovens, cleaning products, synthetic objects like plastic, fiber, and rubber.

Plants to the Rescue

Back in 1989, a report from NASA focused on houseplants and their ability to purify the air. With this discovery, the interest and focus of studies with the advantages of having plants indoors grew exponentially.

Although indoor plants aren't as efficient as air purifiers, the benefits of greenery are more natural, therapeutic, and budget-friendly!

Plants purify the air, but also:

  • Improve one's mood
  • Increase productivity
  • Enhance focus and sharp memory
  • Relieve stress and raise energy levels

Some houseplants clean air better than others inside enclosed spaces, such as an office or household room with little to zero windows, comments gardening & horticulturist Desiree Thomson. That's why we urge you to learn which plants are true air-purifying powerhouses and thus improve your indoor air quality in no time.

10 Best Houseplants for Clean Indoor Air

1. Barberton Daisy

The Barberton Daisy is both pretty and functional. Its vivid hues brighten up your home and clean the air of toxins found in many household items.

Care Tip: Keep the soil moist and place the plant in an area with a lot of natural light.

2. English Ivy

Science shows that this perennial vine reduces fecal particles in the air and helps keep mold at bay. This makes the English Ivy the perfect air-purifying houseplant for bathrooms or any room humid.

Care Tip: Water your English Ivy daily and give it at least four hours of direct sunlight every day.

3. Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law's Tongue

The Snake Plant, otherwise known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue, is great for your bedroom. It releases oxygen at night, thus promotes healthy sleep.

This plant also detoxifies air from chemicals like xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and many more.

Care Tip: Keep the soil moist but don't over-water it because the roots rot quickly.

4. Chrysanthemum

Many florists recommend Chrysanthemums if you want a houseplant that's pretty and functional. Place them in your living room or kitchen to brighten up the place and filter air from toxins like benzene and ammonia.

Care Tip: Water this plant regularly and keep it somewhere with natural light.

5. Spider Plant

If you have minor experience with plant care, the Spider Plant is the one for you. It needs little attention and thrives in the right conditions.

This house plant purifies the air of harmful chemicals and looks great in pots or hanging baskets, says Allan, a professional gardener with over 15 years in practice. Also, it won't harm pets in case they ingest a leaf or two, he adds.

Special Care Tip From The Expert: Water this hardy plant two or three times a week.

6. Aloe Vera

A plant popular among health-conscious enthusiasts, Aloe Vera is packed with strong healing and moisturizing properties with some saying it could even boost testosterone. Apart, the houseplant cleans the air from formaldehyde and benzene, commonly found in wood varnishes and detergents.

Care Tip: This plant grows fairly well with little maintenance as long as it's in a sun-lit corner.

7. Broad Lady Palm

The Broad Lady Palm grows up to over 10 feet but is still a wonderful addition to your interior decor despite the size. It filters ammonia in the air, which is a typical ingredient in most cleaning products.

Care Tip: While it grows comfortably in indoor temperatures, this air purifying plant is happier in more humid spaces such as your bathroom.

8. Red-Edged Dracaena or Dragon Tree

Just like other cousins of Dracaena, this species cleanses indoor air of pollutants and gives your home a tropical vibe at the same time. The Dragon tree has red to purple-colored stripes on its leaves that make it a charming addition to home decor.

Care Tip: It doesn't like the cold and should live in an area bathed in indirect sunlight.

9. Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig's popularity as an indoor plant goes way back to the Victorian era and people didn't know how lucky they were to have it at home! This houseplant reduces levels of formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene for you.

You can trim regularly to keep it as a bonsai plant or leave it alone to let it grow up to 10 feet tall.

Care Tip: Water this plant regularly but don't make the soil too muddy. Keep the Weeping fig under bright indirect sunlight.

10. Chinese Evergreen

A native to tropical Asia, this house plant cleans indoor air from toxins normally found in detergents like formaldehyde and benzene. Its colorful leaves give off gentle tropical vibes and add fresh hues to your living room.

Care Tip: This plant prefers humid conditions but also thrives without direct sunlight. Its leaves turn brown if misted irregularly.

Consider Essential Oils

A less popular means to make our home's better and healthier is the use of essential oils. Fumes help purify the air from toxins, comments essential oils manufacturer Galen-N.

Do you need a lot of plants to purify the air in a room?

NASA states that it's better to have more plants inside your home! Nevertheless, you don't need to live in a jungle to clean indoor air.

It shouldn't be just one type of air-purifying plant, either. You benefit most when you have one plant every 100 square feet.

Another interesting recommendation is to have at least one house plant with large foliage. The bigger the leaves, the quicker the air around you gets purified. The Broad Lady Palm or the Chinese Evergreen are great for this.

Other ways to improve air quality at home?

Indoor plants are not your only option for high-quality air. A few other methods that work like a charm are:

The combo between these methods and plants that purify the air at home, guarantees you have cleaner and healthier air in due time.

All in all, there's a perfect air purifying indoor plant for you, whether you're a newbie at planting, a forgetful plant owner, a pro with a green thumb, or a homeowner with little space to spare.


Gary Ashton

The Ashton Real Estate Group of RE/MAX Advantage

The #1 RE/MAX team in the World!

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