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The #1 locally owned real estate site in Tennessee RE/MAX Advantage

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Google Analytics

The image below shows the number of people using the site from January 1st, 2017 to July 21st, 2021.

Since 2004 we have constantly added to the growth of the site's traffic and now we have 10K to 11K visitors a day, which is close to 4 million users a year using our site to buy and sell homes.

You can see that this traffic represents a highly visible site and in fact in the top local real estate in Tennessee. You can also see that the site has a high number of returning users which shows that people are finding the site and then continually coming back to the site for information.

You can see that since 2017 that our site has seen a significant increase in traffic.

Google Traffic 2017 to 2021



Google Traffic 2016 to 2017

Google Traffic

Google Growth Since 2011

This shows the growth in traffic over time from January 1st, 2011 to March 12th, 2017