Where to Look For Work-Live Spaces in the Nashville Area
Working from home certainly isn't a new thing, but it's a trend that's starting to be noticed by new home builders more and more, and especially here in the Nashville area where job growth continues to be on the rise.
What is a Live-Work Space?
To work efficiently at home, it's important to have a functional live-work space that gives you what you need for both living and working. Working at home has many perks, and one is avoiding a long commute just to get to work. Live-work spaces are becoming more popular as employees and companies are seeing the big benefits of having employees work at home. When there is no commute, employees are on the job immediately. Employees aren't getting burned out just traveling to work and tend to be more productive during the hours they spend working. Living and working at home requires a space that is comfortable, and has enough space to keep work separate from the living area.
Work-Live Spaces in Nashville, TN
Are you looking for a location like this here in Nashville, TN? There are a few different locations in Nashville where you can both live and work. Here are a few Nashville work-live spaces we've found for anyone interested.
Franklin's new Westhaven community features a number of work-live options for small business owners to consider, and home builders are also incorporating similar spaces inside the nearby subdivision of Berry Farms as well, also in Franklin.
In Nashville, Core Development has already recognized the need for more unique work-live options and featured a variety of "live-make" townhouses over at the fabulous Six10 Merritt and 1260Martin developments, both in the up-and-coming Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood.
According to recent transportation data, the average commute time in the Nashville region is still only about 26 minutes, but as more home buyers embrace a functional and sustainable lifestyle, cutting back on that commute time altogether and working from home looks to be a housing trend that's going nowhere fast, especially among young, tech-savvy home buyers.
And if more housing options are out there that allow business owners the ability to not have to pay for a separate work space and a separate living space, you can be sure they'll take full advantage when it comes time to look for a new place to eventually call home (or work).