Nashville Real Estate Blog
Blogging has become very popular in the last year or two and has provided an informal way for the buyer to get a feel for the market and the environment in which they are interested in.
Nashville has many blogs and perhaps one of the most interesting and diverse is that of Rich Peluso.
Rich is an old client of mine that bought a home in the Leipers Fork area about 10 years ago. At that time he was the President of EMI Christian Music Group and was instrumental in pursuing new and innovative ways of reaching the Christian music buyer. Rich and I have very similar tastes, including food and a will to exercise when we get the time (never!) and recently we had lunch in Franklin just to keep up to date with each other's careers and lives in general.
Rich has been extremely busy with a number of areas that are related to his interests, mainly music, film and the promotion of family values and the Church. Rich has formed his own company and is consulting with a number of clients that we really didn't get into. However, we did talk about Rich's presence on the web via his daily blog. You can read his blog at:
"A personal journey to find the deeper meaning in life's everyday moments. Sometimes, just a funny story or thought. And, to be honest, sometimes none of the above."
Rich Peluso